
The disciplinary power of the Board is set out in Part IVA 20 of the Architects Act.

A consumer has the right to expect an architect to conduct themselves in a professional manner in relation to the professional services provided.

As a guide to the conduct a consumer can expect from an architect since the amendments to the legislation on 1 November 2023, please refer to the Code of Practice.

Prior to the 1 November 2023 refer to the Architects’ Model Statutory Code of Professional Standards and Conduct

Should a person who uses the services of an architect believe that a practitioner’s conduct has fallen short of the conduct expected of them then a person may make a complaint to the Board in respect of the conduct of the architect.

Information Sheet relating to the Complaints Against Architects

How to lodge a complaint

Prior to lodging a complaint, the Board encourages consumers to contact the Registrar on telephone 03 6234 8188 to have a ‘without prejudice’ discussion to see if the matter can be resolved.

To lodge a complaint it will be necessary to provide details of the complaint on the Board’s Complaint Form, as well as evidence to support the complaint made.

The complaint should be sent to the Board electronically to or to  GPO Box 457, Hobart 7001.